Running Scripts

Scripts are nothing but plain text files. You could create script files with any text-editing program, such as the Windows Notepad. The usefulness of scripts is not realized until the script instructions are carried out. The Scripter program is designed to interpret script instructions and to carry them out. The process of carrying out the instructions in a script is called running or executing the script.

Running Scripts in Scripter

Scripts are placed in the code window either by typing a new script from scratch or by loading the script with the File | Open command.

To run the script in the Scripter code window, select the Script | Run command, press the F5 key, or click the button. Scripter examines the script instructions, and, if all the instructions are recognized, it begins to perform each instruction in turn.

More often than not, however, a newly typed script will not work correctly the first time it is run. Even simple typographical errors will cause the script to fail. For information on finding and fixing errors in scripts, see the Debugging Scripts.

Select the Script | End command or click the button to stop executing a script. This may be necessary when you want to edit a script after a run-time error occurs, or when you accidentally start a script and you want to cancel the execution.

See Also

Running Scripts from the Command Line

Introducing Scripter

Surfer Object Model

Object Hierarchy