Opening, Saving, and Closing Documents

The Documents collection provides access to the Surfer file commands. Use the Document object’s "Open" method to open an existing plot, worksheet, or grid file. Use the Add method to create a blank plot or worksheet. The SaveAll method saves all open documents, and the CloseAll method closes all open documents. To save or close an individual document, use the Document object’s Save, SaveAs, and Close methods.

Sub Main


Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")

SurferApp.Visible = True


' Create a blank plot

SurferApp.Documents.Add srfDocPlot


' Create a blank worksheet

SurferApp.Documents.Add SurferAppDocWks


' Open an existing plot

filename$ = GetFilePath(,SRF)

if filename$ Then

SurferApp.Documents.Open filename$

End If


' Open the sheet named "Sheet1" from an Excel file

filename$ = GetFilePath(,XLS)

If filename$ Then

SurferApp.Documents.Open filename$, Sheet=Sheet1

End If


' Close the active document



' Save the active document using its current name

If Not SurferApp.ActiveDocument.Saved Then


End If


' Save the document whose window caption is "Plot1"

SurferApp.Documents("Plot1").SaveAs "MyDocument


' Close all documents



End Sub

See Also

Automation Examples

Save - Automation