Shapes Collection Script

This script demonstrates all the methods and properties in the Shapes collection. If you wish to run the script, open Scripter and then open ShapesCollection.bas from the Surfer Samples folder.


'ShapesCollection.bas illustrates the properties and methods

' of the Shapes Collection.

Sub Main

Debug.Print "----- ShapesCollection.bas - ";Time;" -----"

'Get existing Surfer instance, or create a new one If none exists.

On Error Resume Next 'Turn off error reporting.

Set surf = GetObject(,"Surfer.Application")

If Err.Number<>0 Then

Set surf = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")

End If

On Error GoTo 0 'Turn on error reporting.


surf.Visible = True

surf.WindowState = srfWindowStateNormal

surf.Width = 1000

surf.Height = 700

Debug.Print "Surfer ";surf.Version

Set plotdoc1 = surf.Documents(1)

If plotdoc1.Type <> srfDocPlot Then plotdoc1 = surf.Documents.Add

Set plotwin1 = surf.Windows(1)

With plotdoc1.PageSetup

.Orientation = srfLandscape

.Height = 8.5

.Width = 11

End With


path1 = surf.Path+"\samples\"


'Shapes Collection Properties


Set shapes1 = plotdoc1.Shapes

If shapes1.Count >0 Then



End If


'The Application Property returns the application object.


Debug.Print "Shapes Collection Aapplication: ";shapes1.Application


'The Parent Property returns the shapes collection parent. (object)


Debug.Print "Shapes Collection Parent: ";shapes1.Parent


'The Count Property returns the number of items in the

' shapes collection (integer).


Debug.Print "The Shapes Collection has";shapes1.Count;" items."


'ShapesCollection Methods


'The AddBaseMap method creates a new base map. It returns

' a MapFrame object.


surf.Caption = "Surfer "+surf.Version

AppActivate "Surfer "+surf.Version

Debug.Print "AddBaseMap"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddBaseMap").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe1 = shapes1.AddBaseMap(path1+"Ca2000.gsb")

Set base1 = mapframe1.Overlays("Base-Ca2000.gsb")

base1.Fill.ForeColor = srfColorPaleYellow

base1.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

mapframe1.BackgroundFill.ForeColor = srfColorBabyBlue

mapframe1.BackgroundFill.Pattern = "Solid"

For Each Axis In mapframe1.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe1

.xLength = 2.5

.yLength = 2

.Top = 8.25

.Left = 0.25

.Axes("Bottom Axis").Title = "Base"

.Axes("Bottom Axis").TitleFont.Size = 25

End With

Wait 1



'The AddClassedPostMap method adds a new classed post map.

' It returns a MapFrame object.


Debug.Print "AddClassedPostMap"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddClassedPostMap").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe2 = shapes1.AddClassedPostMap(path1+"demogrid.dat", _

xCol:=1, yCol:=2, zCol:=3)

mapframe2.BackgroundFill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorWhite

mapframe2.BackgroundFill.Pattern = "Solid"

Set clpost1 = mapframe2.Overlays("Classed Post-demogrid.dat")

clpost1.ShowLegend = False

For i = 1 To 5

With clpost1.BinSymbol(i)

.Set = "GSI Default Symbols"

.Index = 12

.Size = 0.1

End With

Next i

clpost1.BinSymbol(1).FillColorRGBA.Color = srfColorPastelBlue

clpost1.BinSymbol(2).FillColorRGBA.Color = srfColorGrassGreen

clpost1.BinSymbol(3).FillColorRGBA.Color = srfColorDeepYellow

clpost1.BinSymbol(4).FillColorRGBA.Color = srfColorLightOrange

clpost1.BinSymbol(5).FillColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBrickRed

For Each Axis In mapframe2.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe2

.xLength = 2.5

.yLength = 2

.Top = 8.25

.Left = 2.9

.Axes("Bottom Axis").Title = "Classed Post"

.Axes("Bottom Axis").TitleFont.Size = 25

End With

Wait 2



'The AddContourMap method adds a contour map. It returns

' a MapFrameObject.


Debug.Print "AddContourMap"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddContourMap").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe3 = shapes1.AddContourMap(path1+"demogrid.grd")

Set contours1 = mapframe3.Overlays("Contours-demogrid.grd")

contours1.ShowColorScale = False

contours1.FillContours = True

For Each Axis In mapframe3.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe3

.xLength = 2.5

.yLength = 2

.Top = 8.25

.Left = 5.6

.Axes("Bottom Axis").Title = "Contours"

.Axes("Bottom Axis").TitleFont.Size = 25

End With

Wait 2



'The AddColorReliefMap method creates a new color relief map.

' It returns a MapFrame object.


Debug.Print "AddColorReliefMap"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddColorReliefMap").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe4 = shapes1.AddColorReliefMap(path1+"demogrid.grd")

Set colorReliefLayer1 = mapframe4.Overlays("Color Relief-demogrid.grd")

colorReliefLayer1.ShowColorScale = False

For Each Axis In mapframe4.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe4

.xLength = 2.5

.yLength = 2

.Top = 8.25

.Left = 8.25

.Axes("Bottom Axis").Title = "Color Relief Map"

.Axes("Bottom Axis").TitleFont.Size = 25

End With

Wait 2



'The AddPostMap method adds a new post map.

' It returns a MapFrame Object.


Debug.Print "AddPostMap"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddPostMap").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe5 = shapes1.AddPostMap(path1+"demogrid.dat")

mapframe5.BackgroundFill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorWhite

mapframe5.BackgroundFill.Pattern = "Solid"

Set postmap1 = mapframe5.Overlays("Post-demogrid.dat")

For Each Axis In mapframe5.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe5

.xLength = 2.5

.yLength = 2

.Top = 5.5

.Left = 0.25

.Axes("Bottom Axis").Title = "Post Map"

.Axes("Bottom Axis").TitleFont.Size = 25

End With

Wait 2



'The AddReliefMap method adds a new shaded relief map.

' It returns a MapFrame Object.


Debug.Print "AddReliefMap"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddReliefMap").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe6 = shapes1.AddReliefMap(path1+"helens2.grd")

For Each Axis In mapframe6.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe6

.xLength = 2.5

.yLength = 2

.Top = 5.5

.Left = 2.9

.Axes("Bottom Axis").Title = "Shaded Relief Map"

.Axes("Bottom Axis").TitleFont.Size = 25

End With

Set relief1 = mapframe6.Overlays("Shaded Relief-helens2.grd")

Wait 2



'The AddVectorMap method adds a new vector map.

' It returns a MapFrame Object.


Debug.Print "AddVectorMap"

shapes1.AddText(0.5,1,"AddVectorMap").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe7 = shapes1.AddVectorMap(path1+"demogrid.grd")

mapframe7.BackgroundFill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorWhite

mapframe7.BackgroundFill.Pattern = "Solid"

For Each Axis In mapframe7.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe7

.xLength = 2.5

.yLength = 2

.Top = 5.5

.Left = 5.6

.Axes("Bottom Axis").Title = "Vector Map"

.Axes("Bottom Axis").TitleFont.Size = 25

End With

Set vectors1 = mapframe7.Overlays("Vectors-demogrid.grd")

Wait 2



'The AddWireframe method adds a new wireframe map.

' It returns a MapFrame Object.


Debug.Print "AddWireframe"

shapes1.AddText(0.5,1,"AddWireframe").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe8 = shapes1.AddWireframe(path1+"demogrid.grd")

mapframe8.BackgroundFill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorWhite

mapframe8.BackgroundFill.Pattern = "Solid"

Set wireframe1 = mapframe8.Overlays("3D Wireframe-demogrid.grd")

wireframe1.ShowColorScale = False

For Each Axis In mapframe8.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe8

.xLength = 2

.yLength = 1.5

.zLength = .5

.Top = 5.5

.Left = 8.25

End With

mapframe8.ViewTilt = 20

mapframe8.ViewProjection = srfOrthographic

Set wireframetext = shapes1.AddText(8.75,3.25,"Wireframe")

wireframetext.Font.Size = 25

wireframetext.Name = "Wireframe Text"

Wait 2



'The AddSurface method adds a new surface map.

' It returns a MapFrame Object.


If Val(Left(surf.Version,1)) >7 Then

Debug.Print "AddSurface"

shapes1.AddText(0.5,1,"AddSurface").Font.Size = 40

Set mapframe9 = shapes1.AddSurface(path1+"demogrid.grd")

Set surface1 = mapframe9.Overlays("3D Surface-demogrid.grd")

surface1.ShowColorScale = False

For Each Axis In mapframe9.Axes

Axis.ShowLabels = False

Axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone

Axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone

Next Axis

With mapframe9

.xLength = 2

.yLength = 1.5

.zLength = .5

.Top = 2.75

.Left = 8.00

End With

mapframe9.ViewTilt = 20

mapframe9.ViewProjection = srfOrthographic

Set surfacetext = shapes1.AddText(8.75,0.75,"Surface")

surfacetext.Font.Size = 25

surfacetext.Name = "Surface Text"

Set surface1 = mapframe9.Overlays("3D Surface")

Wait 2


End If


'The AddComplexPolygon method adds a new complex polygon using page units.

' It returns a Polygon Object.


Debug.Print "AddComplexPolygon"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddComplexPolygon").Font.Size = 40

Dim coords (0 To 23) As Double

Dim numpolys(0 To 2) As Long

coordarray = Array( _

3.44, 4.06, _

1.10, 6.39, _

3.44, 8.73, _

5.75, 6.39, _

3.36, 8.07, _

5.01, 6.42, _

3.36, 4.75, _

1.71, 6.42, _

1.71, 8.07, _

5.01, 8.07, _

5.01, 4.75, _

1.71, 4.75 ) 'Array returns a variant.

For i = 0 To 23

coords(i) = coordarray(i) 'Copy variant array to double array.

Next i

numpolys(0) = 4

numpolys(1) = 4

numpolys(2) = 4

Set complexpoly = shapes1.AddComplexPolygon(vertices:=coords, _


With complexpoly

.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBlue

.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

.Left = 6.25

.Top = 2.75

.Height = 1

.Width = 1

End With

Set complexpolytext = shapes1.AddText(6.25,1.5,"Complex"+vbCrLf+"Polygon")

With complexpolytext

.Name = "Text Complex Polygon"

.Font.Size = 25

End With

Wait 2



'The AddEllipse adds a new ellipse shape using page units.

' It returns an Ellipse Object.


Debug.Print "AddEllipse"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddEllipse").Font.Size = 40

Set ellipse1 = shapes1.AddEllipse( _

Left:=5, Top:=2.5, Right:=6, Bottom:=2)

ellipse1.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorRed

ellipse1.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

Set ellipsetext = shapes1.AddText(5,1.85,"Ellipse")

ellipsetext.Font.Size = 25

ellipsetext.Name = "Ellipse"

Wait 2



'The AddLine method adds a new line with two vertices using

' page coordinates. It returns a Polyline Object.


Debug.Print "AddLine"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddLine").Font.Size = 40

Set line1 = shapes1.AddLine(4, 2.25, _


line1.EndArrow = srfASFilled

Set linetext1 = shapes1.AddText(4,2.1,"Line")

linetext1.Font.Size = 25

linetext1.Name = "Line"

'The Add

Wait 2



'The AddPolygon method adds a new polygon shape using

' page coordinates. It returns a Polygon object.


Debug.Print "AddPolygon"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddPolygon").Font.Size = 40

Dim coords2(0 To 9) As Double

coordsarray2 = Array( _

2.8, 2.2, _

3.4, 2.7, _

3.7, 2.2, _

3.5, 1.8, _

2.8, 2.2) 'Variant Array

For i = 0 To 9 'Copy Variant array to Double array.

coords2(i) = coordsarray2(i)

Next i

Set poly1 = shapes1.AddPolygon(coords2)

poly1.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorGreen

poly1.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

Set polygontext = shapes1.AddText(2.6,1.7,"Polygon")

polygontext.Font.Size = 25

polygontext.Name = "Polygon"

Wait 2



'The AddPolyline method adds a new polyline shape

' using page units. It returns a Polyline object.


Debug.Print "AddPolyline"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddPolyline").Font.Size = 40

Dim polylinecoords (0 To 7) As Double

polylinecoordsarray = Array( _

1.6, 2.1, _

2, 2.6, _

2.1, 2.2, _

2.4, 2.6) 'Variant Array

For i = 0 To 7

polylinecoords(i) = polylinecoordsarray(i)

Next i


Set polylinetext = shapes1.AddText(1.25, 2, "Polyline")

polylinetext.Font.Size = 25

polylinetext.Name = "Polyline"

Wait 2

shapes1("Text").Delete 'Delete AddPolyline text.


'The AddRectangle method adds a new rectangle shape

' using page units. It returns a Rectangle Object.


Debug.Print "AddRectangle"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddRectangle").Font.Size = 40

Set rectangle1 = shapes1.AddRectangle(Left:=0.5, Top:=2.5, _

Right:=1, Bottom:=1.75)

rectangle1.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorYellow

rectangle1.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

Set rectangletext = shapes1.AddText(0.25, 1.5, "Rectangle")

rectangletext.Name = "Rectangle"

rectangletext.Font.Size = 25

Wait 2



'The AddSymbol method adds a new symbol shape using

' page units. It returns a Symbol Object.


Debug.Print "AddSymbol"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddSymbol").Font.Size = 40

Set symbol1 = shapes1.AddSymbol(5.1, 1.4)

symbol1.Marker.Size = 0.5

symbol1.Marker.Set = "GSI Default Symbols"

symbol1.Marker.Index = 100

symbol1.Left = 5.1

symbol1.Top = 1.35

Set symboltext = shapes1.AddText(5,0.75, "Symbol")

symboltext.Font.Size = 25

symboltext.Name = "Symbol"

Wait 2



'The AddPolyline2 method adds a new spline shape using

' page units. It returns a Polyline Object.


Debug.Print "AddSplinePolyline"

Dim PolyLineArray(7) As Double

PolyLineArray(0) = 8: PolyLineArray(1) = 2.5

PolyLineArray(2) = 9: PolyLineArray(3) = 2

PolyLineArray(4) = 8.5: PolyLineArray(5) = 1

PolyLineArray(6) = 10: PolyLineArray(7) = 0.5

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddSplinePolyline").Font.Size = 40

Set Spline = shapes1.AddPolyLine2(PolyLineArray, srfPTBezier)

Spline.Line.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorRed

Spline.Line.Width = 0.03

Spline.Line.Style = ".1 in. Dash"

Dim Vertices() As Double

Vertices() = Spline.Vertices

Set splinetext = shapes1.AddText(9,2, "Spline")

splinetext.Font.Size = 25

splinetext.Name = "Spline"

Wait 2



'The AddText method adds a new text shape using page

' units. It returns a Text object.


Debug.Print "AddText"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddText").Font.Size = 40

Wait 2



'The AddVariogram method adds a new Variogram plot.

' It returns a Variogram Object.


Set plotdoc2 = surf.Documents.Add

Set shapes2 = plotdoc2.Shapes

Debug.Print "AddVariogram"

With plotdoc2.PageSetup

.Orientation = srfLandscape

.Height = 8.5

.Width = 11

End With


Set text1 = shapes2.AddText(1,1,"AddVariogram")

text1.Font.Size = 35

Set vario1 = Shapes2.AddVariogram(path1+"demogrid.dat")

Wait 1

text1.Text = "Add New Variogram Model Components"

Wait 1

'Add new variogram model components.

Dim variocomponents(1 To 2) As Object

Set variocomponents(1) = surf.NewVarioComponent(srfVarNugget,10,0)

Set variocomponents(2) = surf.NewVarioComponent(srfVarGaussian,250,1.5)

vario1.Model = variocomponents

Wait 2



'The BlockSelect method selects all shapes within the

' specified rectangle.


Debug.Print "BlockSelect"


shapes1.AddText(1,1,"BlockSelect").Font.Size =40

shapes1.BlockSelect(Left:=0, Right:=2.62, _

top:=2.75, bottom:=1.00)

Wait 2



'The InvertSelection method selects all deselected

' objects and deselects all selectd objects.


Debug.Print "InvertSelection"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"InvertSelection").Font.Size = 40


Wait 2



'The Item method returns an individual item from a

' collection. It is the default method.


Debug.Print "Item Method"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Item Method").Font.Size = 40


'The following statements are equivalent.




Wait 2



'The Paste method pastes the Clipboard contents to the

' center of the page. It returns an object.


Debug.Print "Paste method"


shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Paste method").Font.Size = 40

'The Copy method is used by the Selection Collection.

shapes1.BlockSelect(Left:=0, Right:=2.62, _

top:=2.75, bottom:=1.00)




shapes2.AddText(1,1,"Paste method").Font.Size = 40

Set selectioncoll2 =Shapes2.Paste(Format:=srfPasteBest)

For i = 1 To selectioncoll2.Count

Debug.Print " ";selectioncoll2(i)


Wait 2




'The SelectAll method selects all the shapes in the

' shapes collection.


Debug.Print "SelectAll"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"SelectAll").Font.Size = 40


For Each shp In plotdoc1.Selection

Debug.Print " ";shp


Wait 2


End Sub