Page Setup (Worksheet) - Options

Use the Options page in the worksheet Page Setup dialog to set grid lines, page order, and content of the header and footer. Click the File | Page Setup command in the worksheet to open the Page Setup dialog. Click on the Options tab at the top of the dialog.

Change page option properties in the Page Setup dialog Options page.


The Print section controls how the worksheet information is printed.


Check the Gridlines option to draw grid lines separating each column and row.

Row and Column Headers

Check the Row and column headers option to print the column letters and row numbers of the worksheet.

Black and White

If cells contain color backgrounds (set from the Data | Format | Format Cells command), check the Black and white option to print the worksheet in only black and white.

Page Order

The Page Order section controls the order in which multiple pages are printed. The Across and then down option prints from left to right first, and then moves down and prints left to right again. The Down and then across option prints the worksheet from top to bottom first, and then moves to the right and prints top to bottom again.


The Header/Footer group controls the type of information included in the worksheet data print out. The plot window does not have header/footer options. The Header appears at the top of the page, and the Footer appears at the bottom of the page. The header and footer are spaced from the edge of the page based on the From Edge option o, the Margins page. Descriptive text can be typed in the Header and Footer boxes, or click the arrows to the right of the boxes and click the items in the list.

Automatic header/footer codes:

  • File Name ( <F ) prints the name of the active file. The drive and path are not included.
  • Page Number ( <P> ) prints the page number for each page. When several pages are printed, the order of printing is controlled from the Page Order section.
  • Total Page Count ( <C> ) prints the total number of pages that are required to print out the worksheet with the specified scaling parameters.
  • Current Date ( <D> ) prints the current date.
  • Current Time ( <T ) prints the current time.
  • Left/Center/Right Separator (<&> ) separates the header and footer text so it is spread out across the page. Too many separators can actually push text off the page. If this happens, remove the <&> separator, and use spaces instead.


The active printer can be changed by clicking the Printer button at the bottom of the worksheet Page Setup dialog.


For a six page document, <&><&>Page <P> of <C> would print (on the right side of the first page):

Page 1 of 6

Enter Joe Smith<&><FD to print out a name, file name, and date:

Joe Smith COLORADO.DAT 01/05/10

To print centered text use the "&" operator one time, such as <&><F.


See Also

Page Setup - Margins

Page Setup - Page

File | Page Setup