PlotWindow Object Script

This script demonstrates all the methods and properties in the PlotWindow object. If you wish to run the script, open Scripter and then open PlotWindow.bas from the Surfer Samples folder.

' PlotWindow.bas illustrates the PlotWindow Object.

' The PlotWindow is derived from the Window Object.

' Refer to the Windows.bas file for the methods and properties that

' are shared by the PlotWindow and WorksheetWindow Objects.

Sub Main

Debug.Print "----- PlotWindow.bas - ";Time;" -----"

'Get existing Surfer instance, or create a new one If none exists.

On Error Resume Next 'Turn off error reporting.

Set SurferApp = GetObject(,"Surfer.Application")

If Err.Number<>0 Then

Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")


End If

On Error GoTo 0 'Turn on error reporting.

SurferApp.Visible = True

SurferApp.WindowState = srfWindowStateNormal

SurferApp.Width = 600

SurferApp.Height = 400


Debug.Print "Surfer ";SurferApp.Version

Set plotdoc1 = SurferApp.Documents(1)

Set plotwin1 = SurferApp.Windows(1)

path1 = SurferApp.Path+"\samples\"

Set shapes1 = plotdoc1.Shapes


'PlotWindow Properties



' AutoRedraw returns a Boolean indicating whether

' Automatic Redraw is enabled.

' It can also enable or disable Automatic Redraw.


Debug.Print "AutoRedraw enabled? ";plotwin1.AutoRedraw;

plotwin1.AutoRedraw = True

Debug.Print ". AutoRedraw set to ";plotwin1.AutoRedraw


'The ShowRulers Property returns a Boolean to indicate

' whether the rulers are visible. It can be used to

' enable or disable the ruler visibility.


Debug.Print "Rulers visible? ";plotwin1.ShowRulers;

plotwin1.ShowRulers = True

Debug.Print ". Rulers now set to ";plotwin1.ShowRulers


'HorizontalRuler Property returns a Ruler Object,

' which can be used to set GridDivisions, RulerDivisions,

' ShowPosition, and SnapToRuler. Not saved when Surfer

' is closed.


Debug.Print "Horizontal Ruler Divisions per page unit = "; _


plotwin1.HorizontalRuler.RulerDivisions = 8

Debug.Print " New div/PU = "; plotwin1.HorizontalRuler.RulerDivisions


'VerticalRuler Property returns a Ruler Object,

' which can be used to set GridDivisions, RulerDivisions,

' ShowPosition, and SnapToRuler. Not saved when Surfer

' is closed.


Debug.Print "Vertical Ruler Divisions per page unit = "; _


plotwin1.VerticalRuler.RulerDivisions = 8

Debug.Print ". New div/PU = "; plotwin1.VerticalRuler.RulerDivisions


'The ShowGrid Property returns a Boolean to indicate if the

' drawing grid is visible. It can be used to enable or disable

' the drawing grid.


Debug.Print "Drawing Grid visible? ";plotwin1.ShowGrid;

plotwin1.ShowGrid = True

Debug.Print ". Drawing grid is now set to ";plotwin1.ShowGrid


'The ShowMargins Property returns a Boolean to indicate if the

' drawing Margins are visible. It can be used to enable or disable

' the drawing Margins.


Debug.Print "Margins visible? ";plotwin1.ShowMargins;

AppActivate "Surfer"

plotwin1.ShowMargins = False

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Margins OFF").Font.Size=40

Wait 2


plotwin1.ShowMargins = True

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Margins ON").Font.Size=40

Wait 2


'AppActivate "PlotWindow"

Debug.Print ". Margins are now set to ";plotwin1.ShowMargins


'The ShowPage Property returns a Boolean to indicate if the

' Page outline is visible. It can be used to enable or

' disable the Page outline


Debug.Print "Page Outline visible? ";plotwin1.ShowPage;

AppActivate "Surfer"

plotwin1.ShowPage = False

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Page Outline OFF").Font.Size=40

Wait 2


plotwin1.ShowPage = True

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Page Outline ON").Font.Size=40

Wait 2


'AppActivate "PlotWindow"

Debug.Print ". Page Outline now set to ";plotwin1.ShowPage



'PlotWindow Methods



'The Redraw method redraws the contents of the window.


Debug.Print "Redraw"

AppActivate "Surfer"

' Using plotdoc1 here to emphasize difference between

' plot document and plot window.



Wait 2


For Each shp In shapes1


Next shp




'The Zoom method has the following parameters:

' srfZoomFitToWindow, srfZoomPage, srfZoomActualSize,

' srfZoomSelected, srfZoomFullScreen


Debug.Print "Zoom"


plotdoc1.Shapes.AddText(1,1,"Zoom Fit To Window").Font.Size = 40

Wait 2


Wait 2

For Each shp In shapes1


Next shp




'The ZoomPoint method zooms in or out at the specified

' factor and point XY location in page units.


Debug.Print "ZoomPoint (1,1) 300%"


plotdoc1.Shapes.AddText(1,1,"Zoom 300% at (1,1)").Font.Size = 40

Wait 2


Wait 2

For Each shp In shapes1


Next shp




'ZoomRectangle zooms in or out so the specified

' rectangle fills the screen.


Debug.Print "ZoomRectangle (5.5,4,6.5,3)"


plotdoc1.Shapes.AddText(1,1,"ZoomRectangle (5.5,4,6.5,3)").Font.Size = 40

Wait 2

plotwin1.ZoomRectangle (5.5,4,6.5,3)

Wait 2

For Each shp In shapes1


Next shp



End Sub