Ruler Object Script

This script demonstrates all the properties in the Ruler object. If you wish to run the script, open Scripter and then open Ruler.bas from the Surfer Samples folder.


'RulerObject.bas illustrates the properties of the Ruler Object.

Sub Main

Debug.Print "----- RulerObject.bas - ";Time;" -----"


'Get existing Surfer instance, or create a new one If none exists.

On Error Resume Next 'Turn off error reporting.

Set SurferApp = GetObject(,"Surfer.Application")

If Err.Number<>0 Then

Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")


End If

On Error GoTo 0 'Turn on error reporting.


SurferApp.Visible = True

SurferApp.WindowState = srfWindowStateNormal

SurferApp.Width = 600

SurferApp.Height = 400


Debug.Print "Surfer ";SurferApp.Version


Set plotdoc1 = SurferApp.Documents(1)

Set plotwin1 = SurferApp.Windows(1)

Set shapes1 = plotdoc1.Shapes


path1 = SurferApp.Path+"\samples\"



'RulerObject Properties


Set hruler = plotwin1.HorizontalRuler



'The Application returns the application object, i.e. Surfer.


Debug.Print "Horizontal Ruler Application: ";hruler.Application



'The Parent Property returns the parent object, i.e. Surfer.


Debug.Print "Ruler Parent: ";hruler.Parent



'The GridDivisions Property returns or sets the the number of

' grid divisions per page unit. (integer).


Debug.Print "The horizontal ruler has";hruler.GridDivisions; _

" grid division per page unit."

hruler.GridDivisions = 2.

Debug.Print "The horizontal ruler has";hruler.GridDivisions; _

" grid division per page unit."



'The RulerDivisions Property returns or sets the number of

' ruler divsisions per page unit (integer).


Debug.Print "The horizontal ruler has";hruler.RulerDivisions; _

" ruler divisions per page unit."

hruler.RulerDivisions = 10

Debug.Print "Now the horizontal ruler has";hruler.RulerDivisions; _

" ruler divisions per page unit."



'The ShowPosition Property returns or sets the "show cursor

' postition" state on the ruler (Boolean).


Debug.Print "Show cursor position on horizontal ruler? "; _


hruler.ShowPosition = False

Debug.Print "Show cursor position on horizontal ruler? "; _


hruler.ShowPosition = True

Debug.Print "Show cursor position on horizontal ruler? "; _




'The SnapToRuler Property returns or sets the

' "snap to ruler" state. (Boolean).


Debug.Print "The horizontal ruler SnapToRuler state is "; _


hruler.SnapToRuler = True

Debug.Print "Now the horizontal ruler SnapToRuler state is "; _



End Sub