Shape Object Script

This script demonstrates all the methods and properties in the Shape object. If you wish to run the script, open Scripter and then open ShapeObject.bas from the Surfer Samples folder.

'ShapesObject.bas illustrates the properties of the

' following objects:

' Rectangle (includes rounded rectangles, squares)

' Ellipse (includes circles)

' Symbol

' Text

' Polyline

' Polygon

' Composite

'See VariogramObject.bas, specific map object BAS files

' for examples of variogram and mapframe based objects.


Sub Main

Debug.Print "----- ShapesObject.bas - ";Time;" -----"


'Get existing Surfer instance, or create a new one If none exists.

On Error Resume Next 'Turn off error reporting.

Set SurferApp = GetObject(,"Surfer.Application")

If Err.Number<>0 Then

Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")


End If

On Error GoTo 0 'Turn on error reporting.


SurferApp.Visible = True

SurferApp.WindowState = srfWindowStateNormal

SurferApp.Width = 600

SurferApp.Height = 400


Debug.Print "Surfer ";SurferApp.Version

SurferApp.Caption = "Surfer "+SurferApp.Version

AppActivate "Surfer "+SurferApp.Version


Set plotdoc1 = SurferApp.Documents(1)

If plotdoc1.Type <> srfDocPlot Then plotdoc1 = SurferApp.Documents.Add

Set plotwin1 = SurferApp.Windows(1)


With plotdoc1.PageSetup

.Orientation = srfLandscape

.Height = 8.5

.Width = 11

End With


path1 = SurferApp.Path+"\samples\"


Set shapes1 = plotdoc1.Shapes





'Shape Object Properties

'The Shape Object is the base object for all graphical objects

'within the plot document. All objects derived from the

'Shape Object share the following properties and methods.

'Refer to the Rectangle Object below for examples.




'Rectangle Object Properties


'The Rectangle object is created with the Shapes.AddRectangle method.

Debug.Print "AddRectangle"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddRectangle").Font.Size = 40

Set rectangle1 = shapes1.AddRectangle( Left:=1,Top:=6, _

Right:=4, Bottom:=4)

'AppActivate "ShapeObject"



'Shared Shape Object Properties


Debug.Print "Shape Object Properties"

With rectangle1

Debug.Print " Rectangle height:"; .Height; ", width:"; .Width; _

", left:"; .Left; ", top:";.Top

Debug.Print " Application: "; .Application

Debug.Print " Name: "; .Name

Debug.Print " Parent: "; .Parent

AppActivate "Surfer "+SurferApp.Version

End With


Debug.Print " Current rotation angle:"; rectangle1.Rotation

rectangle1.Rotation = 30

Debug.Print " New rotation angle:"; rectangle1.Rotation


Debug.Print "Rectangle selected: "; rectangle1.Selected

Wait 1

rectangle1.Selected = True 'Property

rectangle1.Select 'Method. Same effect as Selected = True"

Debug.Print "Rectangle selected? "; rectangle1.Selected


Debug.Print "Rectangle visible? ";rectangle1.Visible

Wait 1

rectangle1.Visible = False

Debug.Print "Rectangle visible? ";rectangle1.Visible

Wait 1

rectangle1.Visible = True



'Shared Shape Object methods.


Set rectangle2 = shapes1.AddRectangle(Left:=3, Top:=5, _

Right:=5, Bottom:=3)

rectangle1.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorRed

rectangle1.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

rectangle2.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBlue

rectangle2.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"



Debug.Print "Rectangle2 selected? ";rectangle2.Selected

Wait 1


rectangle2.Select 'or rectangle2.Selected=True

Debug.Print "Rectangle2 selected? ";rectangle2.Selected

Wait 1


rectangle2.Deselect 'or rectangle2.Selected=False

Debug.Print "Rectangle2 selected? ";rectangle2.Selected


Debug.Print "Rectangle2 deleted."

Wait 1



Debug.Print "AddRectangle - rounded rectangle"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddRectangle - rounded rectangle").Font.Size = 40

Set roundedrect1 = shapes1.AddRectangle(Left:=5, Right:=8, _

Top:=6, Bottom:=4, xRadius:=0.5, yRadius:=0.5)

Wait 1




With rectangle1

'The Fill property returns the FillFormat object, which can

'be used to set the fill foreground color, pattern,

'background color (for vector pattern types), and

'background transparency.

Debug.Print " Fill Property"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Fill Property").Font.Size = 40

.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorYellow

.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

Wait 1


'The Line property returns the LineFormat object, which can

'be used to set the line foreground color, style, and width.

Debug.Print " Line Property"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Line Property").Font.Size = 40

.Line.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBlue

.Line.Width = 0.03

.Line.Style = "Dash Dot"

'The selected line style name is listed in the Style

'dropdown list. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to display

'each name. A complete list is in the attrib.ini file.


Wait 1


End With


'The xRadius and yRadius properties control the anount of

'rounding at the corners of the rounded rectangle.

'Units are page units (SurferApp.PageUnits), a double. These

'properties can only be specified via automation.

'There is no equivalent control in the user interface.

With roundedrect1

Debug.Print " xRadius, yRadius"

'vbCrLf is the Visual BASIC enumeration constant for the

' carriage return + line feed or chr(13) + chr(10).

shapes1.AddText(1,2, _

"Rounded Rectangle radii:"+vbCrLf+ _

" xRadius: " + .xRadius + _

", yRadius: " + .yRadius).Font.Size = 40

End With


Wait 1





'Ellipse Object Properties


'The Ellipse object is created with the Shapes.AddEllipse method.

Debug.Print "AddEllipse"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"AddEllipse").Font.Size = 40

Set ellipse1 = shapes1.AddEllipse( Left:=1, Right:=4, _

Top:=6, Bottom:=4)



Wait 1



With ellipse1

'The Fill property returns the FillFormat object, which can

'be used to set the fill foreground color, pattern,

'background color (for vector pattern types), and

'background transparency.

Debug.Print " Fill Property"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Fill Property").Font.Size = 40

.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorYellow

.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

Wait 1


'The Line property returns the LineFormat object, which can

'be used to set the line foreground color, style, and width.

Debug.Print " Line Property"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Line Property").Font.Size = 40

.Line.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBlue

.Line.Width = 0.03

.Line.Style = "Dash Dot"

'The selected line style name is listed in the Style

'dropdown list. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to display

'each name. A complete list is in the attrib.ini file.


Wait 1



End With



'Symbol Object property.


Debug.Print "Symbol Object - Marker Property"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Symbol Object - Marker Property").Font.Size = 40

Set sym1 = shapes1.AddSymbol(4,4)

sym1.Marker.Size =1



Wait 1





'Text Object properties.


Debug.Print "Text Object Properties"

Set text1 = shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Text Object Properties")

text1.Font.Size = 40


Wait 1

text1.Text="Text Object - Font and Text Properties"


Wait 1




'Polyline Object Properties


SurferApp.Caption = "Surfer " + SurferApp.Version

AppActivate "Surfer " + SurferApp.Version

Debug.Print "Polyline Object Properties"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Polyline Object Properties").Font.Size = 40

Dim coords(0 To 7) As Double 'double array

coordsarray = Array(4,4, 5,5, 6,4, 7,5) 'variant array

For i = 0 To 7

coords(i) = coordsarray(i)

Next i

Set polyline1 = shapes1.AddPolyLine(coords)


Wait 1


'The Line Property sets the line ForeColor, Width, and Style.

Debug.Print " Polyline Object - Line Property"

shapes1("Text").Text = " Polyline Object - Line Property"

polyline1.Line.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorRed

polyline1.Line.Width = 0.1

polyline1.Line.Style = "Dash Dot"

Wait 1


Debug.Print " Polyline Object - StartArrow Property"

shapes1("Text").Text = " Polyline Object - StartArrow Property"

polyline1.StartArrow = srfASTriangle 'Arrow Style is Triangle

Wait 1


polyline1.ArrowScale = 5

Debug.Print " Polyline Object - ArrowScale Property"

shapes1("Text").Text = " Polyline Object - ArrowScale Property"

Wait 1


Debug.Print " Polyline Object - EndArrow Property"

shapes1("Text").Text = " Polyline Object - EndArrow Property"

polyline1.EndArrow = srfASSimple

Debug.Print " Polyline Object - Vertices Property"

shapes1("Text").Text = " Polyline Object - Vertices Property"

Dim verts() As Double

verts() = polyline1.Vertices

Wait 1


Debug.Print " Polyline starts at ";verts(0);", ";verts(1)

shapes1("Text").Text = " Polyline starts at"+Str(verts(0))+","+Str(verts(1))

Wait 1






'The Polygon Object Properties and Methods


Debug.Print "Polygon Object"

shapes1.AddText(1,1,"Polygon Object").Font.Size = 40


Dim coords2(0 To 9) As Double

coordsarray2 = Array( _

2.8, 2.2, _

3.4, 2.7, _

3.7, 2.2, _

3.5, 1.8, _

2.8, 2.2) 'Variant Array

For i = 0 To 9 'Copy Variant array to Double array.

coords2(i) = coordsarray2(i)

Next i

Set poly1 = shapes1.AddPolygon(coords2)

'The Fill property sets the fill forecolor and pattern.

poly1.Fill.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorLightYellow

poly1.Fill.Pattern = "Solid"

'The Line Property sets the line forecolor, style and width.

poly1.Line.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBlue

poly1.Line.Width = 0.1

poly1.Line.Style = "Solid"


'The PolyCounts Property returns an array containing the number

'of vertices per sub-polygon (for complex polygons).

'It returns an array of longs.

Set poly1 = shapes1("Polygon")

Dim polycnts() As Long

polycnts() = poly1.PolyCounts

firstsubpoly = LBound(polycnts)

lastsubpoly = UBound(polycnts)

For i = firstsubpoly To lastsubpoly

Debug.Print " Subpolygon #";i;" has";polycnts(i);" vertices.

Next i


'The Vertices Property returns an array containing

'the coordinates of the vertices in the polygon.

'It returns an array of doubles.

Dim verts1() As Double

verts1() = poly1.Vertices

Debug.Print "Polygon Vertices"

For i = LBound(verts1) To UBound(verts1) Step 2

Debug.Print verts1(i);verts1(i+1)

Next i

Wait 1


'The SetVertices Method changes the vertices in an existing


Debug.Print "Change vertex #3."

shapes1("Text").Text = "Change Vertex #3"

Dim verts2() As Double

Dim polycnt2() As Long

verts2() = poly1.Vertices

polycnt2() = poly1.PolyCounts

'Vertex 3 coordinates are at indices 4 (x) and 5 (y).

Debug.Print "Old coordinates: ";verts2(4);verts2(5)

'Change the third vertex coordinates.

verts2(4) = 5

verts2(5) = 3

Debug.Print "New coordinates: ";verts2(4);verts2(5)

poly1.SetVertices( _

Vertices:=verts2(), _

PolyCounts:=polycnt2() )

Wait 1


'The Composite Object contains one or more Shape objects.

'It is created with the Selection.Combine method.

Debug.Print "Composite Object"

shapes1("Text").Text = "Composite Object"

Set rect1 = shapes1.AddRectangle(4,5,6,7)



Set composite1 = plotdoc1.Selection.Combine

Wait 1


'The BreakApart Method breaks a Composite Object into

'its component objects.

shapes1("Text").Text = "Break Apart"



End Sub