Variogram Object Script
This script demonstrates all the methods and properties in the Variogram object. If you wish to run the script, open Scripter and then open VariogramObject.bas from the Surfer Samples folder.
' VariogramObject.bas demonstrates the properties and methods
' of the VariogramObject.
Sub Main
Debug.Print "----- VariogramObject.bas - ";Time;" -----"
'Get existing Surfer instance, or create a new one If none exists.
On Error Resume Next 'Turn off error reporting.
Set SurferApp = GetObject(,"Surfer.Application")
If Err.Number<>0 Then
Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0 'Turn on error reporting.
SurferApp.Visible = True
SurferApp.WindowState = srfWindowStateNormal
SurferApp.Width = 600
SurferApp.Height = 400
Debug.Print "Surfer ";SurferApp.Version
Set plotdoc1 = SurferApp.Documents(1)
If plotdoc1.Type <> srfDocPlot Then _
Set plotdoc1 = SurferApp.Documents.Add
'Caption changes when add new doc.
SurferApp.Caption = "Surfer "+SurferApp.Version
AppActivate "Surfer "+SurferApp.Version
With plotdoc1.PageSetup
.Orientation = srfLandscape
.Height = 8.5
.Width = 11
End With
Set plotwin1 = SurferApp.Windows(1)
Set shapes1 = plotdoc1.Shapes
path1 = SurferApp.Path+"\samples\"
'Create a new variogram.
Debug.Print "AddVariogram"
shapes1.AddText(1,0.75,"AddVariogram").Font.Size = 40
Set vario1 = shapes1.AddVariogram(path1+"demogrid.dat")
Wait 1
'VariogramObject Properties
'The Axes Property returns the Axes Collection.
Debug.Print " Variogram Axes"
shapes1("Text").Text = "Variogram Axes"
For Each axs In vario1.Axes
axs.AxisLine.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBabyBlue
Wait 1
Next axs
'The EstimatorType Property returns or sets the
' variogram estimatin method. It returns a
' srfVarioEstimator enumeration value.
For i = srfVarioVariogram To srfVarioAutocorrelation
vario1.EstimatorType = i
'See varioestimatorname() function at end of script.
Debug.Print " EstimatorType:";i;":";varioestimatorname(i)
shapes1("Text").Text = "Estimatortype:"+Str(i)+":"+ _
Wait 1
Next i
vario1.EstimatorType = srfVarioVariogram
'See varioestimatorname() function at end of script.
Debug.Print " EstimatorType:"; "srfVarioVariogram"
shapes1("Text").Text = "Estimatortype: srfVarioVariogram"
Wait 1
'The ExperimentalLine Property returns the properties of the
' line connecting the points in the experimental variogram.
' It returns a LineFormat Object.
Debug.Print "ExperimentalLine"
shapes1("Text").Text = "ExperimentalLine Color"
vario1.ExperimentalLine.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorRed
Wait 1
'The LagDirection Property returns or sets the variogram lag
' direction angle in degrees. It returns a double.
' 0 degrees = +X direction, 90 degrees = +Y direction.
' It is only meaningful with a LagTolerance less than 90 degrees.
' Refer to the Experimental Tab of the Variogram Properties
' help topic for more information.
Debug.Print "LagDirection:";vario1.LagDirection
shapes1("Text").Text = "LagDirection:"+Str(vario1.LagDirection)
Wait 1
vario1.LagDirection = 60
Debug.Print "LagDirection:";vario1.LagDirection
shapes1("Text").Text = "LagDirection:"+Str(vario1.LagDirection)
Wait 1
'The LagTolerance Property returns or sets the variogram lag
' tolerance in degrees. It returns a double.
Debug.Print "LagTolerance:"; vario1.LagTolerance
shapes1("Text").Text = "LagTolerance:"+Str(vario1.LagTolerance)
Wait 1
vario1.LagTolerance = 30
Debug.Print "LagTolerance:";vario1.LagTolerance
shapes1("Text").Text = "LagTolerance:"+Str(vario1.LagTolerance)
Wait 1
'The LagWidth Property returns or sets the variogram lag
' width in XY data units. It returns a double.
Debug.Print "LagWidth:"; vario1.LagWidth
shapes1("Text").Text = "LagWidth:"+Str(vario1.LagWidth)
Wait 1
vario1.LagWidth = 0.1
Debug.Print "LagWidth:";vario1.LagWidth
shapes1("Text").Text = "LagWidth:"+Str(vario1.LagWidth)
Wait 1
'The MaxLagDistance Property returns or sets the variogram
' maximum lag distance in XY data units. It returns a double.
Debug.Print "MaxLagDistance:"; vario1.MaxLagDistance
shapes1("Text").Text = "MaxLagDistance:"+Str(vario1.MaxLagDistance)
Wait 1
vario1.MaxLagDistance = 4.0
Debug.Print "MaxLagDistance:";vario1.MaxLagDistance
shapes1("Text").Text = "MaxLagDistance:"+Str(vario1.MaxLagDistance)
Wait 1
'The Model Property returns or sets the array of variogram
' component objects. It returns a variant array.
Debug.Print "Variogram Model"
shapes1("Text").Text = "Variogram Model"
Dim variocomponents() As Object
variocomponents = vario1.Model
'List current model components.
For i = LBound(variocomponents) To UBound(variocomponents)
Debug.Print " Component";i;" Type:"; variocomponents(i).Type; " "; _
variocomponentname(variocomponents(i).Type) 'See functions below.
Debug.Print " Scale or Nugget Error Variance:"; _
Debug.Print " Slope, Length, or Nugget Micro Variance:"; _
Debug.Print " Anisotropy Ratio & Angle:"; _
variocomponents(i).AnisotropyRatio; _
Next i
'Change model components.
Debug.Print "Change Variogram Model Components"
shapes1("Text").Text = "Change Variogram Model Components"
Set variocomponents(0) = SurferApp.NewVarioComponent(srfVarNugget,10,0)
Set variocomponents(1) = SurferApp.NewVarioComponent(srfVarGaussian,250,1.5)
vario1.Model = variocomponents
Wait 1
'The ModelLine Property returns the properties of the line
' in the variogram model. It returns a LineFormat Object.
Debug.Print "ModelLine"
shapes1("Text").Text = "ModelLine"
vario1.ModelLine.ForeColorRGBA.Color = srfColorGreen
Wait 1
'The NumLags Property returns or sets the number of lags in
' the experimental variogram. It returns an integer.
Debug.Print "NumLags:"; vario1.NumLags
shapes1("Text").Text = "NumLags"+Str(vario1.NumLags)
Wait 1
vario1.NumLags = 30
Debug.Print "NumLags:"; vario1.NumLags
shapes1("Text").Text = "NumLags"+Str(vario1.NumLags)
Wait 1
'The ShowPairs Property returns or sets the display of the
' number of pairs used for each point in the experimental
' variogram. It returns a Boolean.
Debug.Print "ShowPairs"
shapes1("Text").Text = "Show Number of Pairs?"+vario1.ShowPairs
Wait 1
vario1.ShowPairs = True
shapes1("Text").Text = "Show Number of Pairs?"+vario1.ShowPairs
Wait 1
'The PairsFont Property returns the font properties for the
' number of pairs displayed by each point in the
' experimental variogram. It returns a FontFormat Object.
Debug.Print "PairsFont";vario1.PairsFont.Face
shapes1("Text").Text = "PairsFont:"+ vario1.PairsFont.Face
Wait 1
vario1.PairsFont.Face = "Times New Roman"
Debug.Print "PairsFont";vario1.PairsFont.Face
shapes1("Text").Text = "PairsFont:"+ vario1.PairsFont.Face
'The ShowExperimental Property returns or sets the display of the
' line in the experimental variogram. It returns a Boolean.
Debug.Print "ShowExperimental? ";vario1.ShowExperimental
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowExperimental? "+ vario1.ShowExperimental
Wait 1
vario1.ShowExperimental = False 'Turn off line.
Debug.Print "ShowExperimental? ";vario1.ShowExperimental
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowExperimental? "+ vario1.ShowExperimental
Wait 1
vario1.ShowExperimental = True 'Turn line on.
'The ShowModel Property returns or sets the display of the model
' line in the variogram. It returns a Boolean.
Debug.Print "ShowModel? ";vario1.ShowModel
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowModel? "+ vario1.ShowModel
Wait 1
vario1.ShowModel = False 'Turn off line.
Debug.Print "ShowModel? ";vario1.ShowModel
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowModel? "+ vario1.ShowModel
Wait 1
vario1.ShowModel = True 'Turn line on.
'The TitleFont returns the font properties of the variogram
' subtitle, which displays the angle and tolerance. It
' returns a FontFormat Object.
Debug.Print "TitleFont Face: ";vario1.TitleFont.Face
shapes1("Text").Text = "TitleFont Face: "+vario1.TitleFont.Face
Wait 1
vario1.TitleFont.Size = 25
Debug.Print "TitleFont Size: ";vario1.TitleFont.Size
shapes1("Text").Text = "TitleFont Size: "+vario1.TitleFont.Size
Wait 1
'The SubTitleFont returns the font properties of the variogram
' subtitle, which displays the angle and tolerance. It
' returns a FontFormat Object.
Debug.Print "SubTitleFont Face: ";vario1.SubTitleFont.Face
shapes1("Text").Text = "SubTitleFont Face: "+vario1.SubTitleFont.Face
Wait 1
vario1.SubTitleFont.Size = 25
Debug.Print "SubTitleFont Size: ";vario1.SubTitleFont.Size
shapes1("Text").Text = "SubTitleFont Size: "+vario1.SubTitleFont.Size
Wait 1
'The ShowSubTitle Property returns or sets the display of the
' variogram subtitle, which displays the direction and tolerance.
' It returns a Boolean.
Debug.Print "ShowSubtitle? ";vario1.ShowSubTitle
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowSubtitle? "+ vario1.ShowSubTitle
Wait 1
vario1.ShowSubTitle = False 'Turn off subtitle.
Debug.Print "ShowSubtitle? ";vario1.ShowSubTitle
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowSubtitle? "+ vario1.ShowSubTitle
Wait 1
vario1.ShowSubTitle = True 'Turn subtitle on.
'The ShowSymbols Property returns or sets the display of the
' symbols in the experimental variogram. It returns a Boolean.
' If ShowPairs is True, they remain visible even when
' ShowSymbols is False.
Debug.Print "ShowSymbols? ";vario1.ShowSymbols
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowSymbols? "+vario1.ShowSymbols
Wait 1
vario1.ShowSymbols = False 'Turn symbols off
Debug.Print "ShowSymbols? ";vario1.ShowSymbols
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowSymbols? "+vario1.ShowSymbols
Wait 1
vario1.ShowSymbols = True 'Turn symbols on.
'The Symbol Property returns a MarkerFormat Object containing
' the properties of the symbols on the experiemental
' variogram.
Debug.Print "Symbol Index: ";vario1.Symbol.Index
shapes1("Text").Text = "Symbol Index: "+vario1.Symbol.Index
Wait 1
vario1.Symbol.Index = 0
Debug.Print "Symbol Index: ";vario1.Symbol.Index
shapes1("Text").Text = "Symbol Index: "+vario1.Symbol.Index
Wait 1
'The ShowVariance Property returns or sets the display of the
' variance line, a dashed horizontal line by default. It
' returns a Boolean.
Debug.Print "ShowVariance? ";vario1.ShowVariance
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowSymbols? "+vario1.ShowVariance
Wait 1
vario1.ShowVariance = True 'Turn variance line on.
Debug.Print "ShowVariance? ";vario1.ShowVariance
shapes1("Text").Text = "ShowVariance? "+vario1.ShowVariance
Wait 1
'The VarianceLine Property returns a LineFormat Object with
' the properties of the variance line.
Debug.Print "VarianceLine Style: ";vario1.VarianceLine.Style
shapes1("Text").Text = "VarianceLine Style: " + _
Wait 1
vario1.VarianceLine.Style = "Solid"
Debug.Print "VarianceLine Style: ";vario1.VarianceLine.Style
shapes1("Text").Text = "VarianceLine Style: " + _
Wait 1
'The VerticalScale Property returns or sets the vertical scale
' of the variogram. It returns a double. Experimental tab of
' Variogram Properties dialog.
Debug.Print "VerticalScale:"; vario1.VerticalScale
shapes1("Text").Text = "VerticalScale:"+Str(vario1.VerticalScale)
Wait 1
vario1.VerticalScale = vario1.VerticalScale*2
Debug.Print "VerticalScale:"; vario1.VerticalScale
shapes1("Text").Text = "VerticalScale:"+Str(vario1.VerticalScale)
Wait 1
vario1.VerticalScale = vario1.VerticalScale/2
'VariogramObject Methods
'The AutoFit Method fits the variogram parameters
' to the current model.
Debug.Print "AutoFit"
shapes1("Text").Text = "AutoFit"
variocomponents = vario1.Model
'List current model components.
For i = LBound(variocomponents) To UBound(variocomponents)
Debug.Print " Component";i;" Type:"; variocomponents(i).Type; " "; _
variocomponentname(variocomponents(i).Type) 'See functions below.
Debug.Print " Scale or Nugget Error Variance:"; _
Debug.Print " Slope, Length, or Nugget Micro Variance:"; _
Debug.Print " Anisotropy Ratio & Angle:"; _
variocomponents(i).AnisotropyRatio; _
Next i
Wait 1
variocomponents = vario1.Model
Debug.Print "AutoFit values"
For i = LBound(variocomponents) To UBound(variocomponents)
Debug.Print " Component";i;" Type:"; variocomponents(i).Type; " "; _
variocomponentname(variocomponents(i).Type) 'See functions below.
Debug.Print " Scale or Nugget Error Variance:"; _
Debug.Print " Slope, Length, or Nugget Micro Variance:"; _
Debug.Print " Anisotropy Ratio & Angle:"; _
variocomponents(i).AnisotropyRatio; _
Next i
'The Export Method exports the experimental variogram data points
' to an ASCII DAT file.
' The X coordinates (spearation distance) are in column A,
' the Y coordinates (variogram g(h) are in column B,
' the number of pairs are in column C.
' This method returns a Boolean.
Debug.Print "Export to vario.dat"
shapes1("Text").Text = "Export to vario.dat"
End Sub
Function varioestimatorname(x)
ven = Array("0", _
"srfVarioVariogram", _
"srfVarioStdVariogram", _
"srfVarioAutocovariance", _
varioestimatorname = ven(x)
End Function
Function variocomponentname(x)
vcn = Array("0", _
"srfVarExponential", _
"srfVarGaussian", _
"srfVarLinear", _
"srfVarLogarithmic", _
"srfVarNugget", _
"srfVarPower", _
"srfVarQuadratic", _
"srfVarRationalQuadratic", _
"srfVarSpherical", _
variocomponentname = vcn(x)
End Function