VerticesXY Property

VerticesXY returns the X and Y coordinates in page units for a vertex in a 3D polyline or 3D polygon. Returns an array of doubles.




This example shows return the array of the 3D polyline vertices. Since VerticesXY array is an outgoing parameter, the value of the elements inside the array can be returned.

Dim polyline3dcoordsXY (0 To 7) As Double

polyline3dcoordsXYarray = Array( _

1.0, 2.0, _

2.0, 2.5, _

3.0, 2.0, _

4.0, 2.5) 'Variant Array

For i = 0 To 7

polyline3dcoordsXY(i) = polyline3dcoordsXYarray(i)


Used by: Polygon3D object, Polyline3D object