wksStats Values
Enumeration |
Value |
Description |
wksStatsFirstRow |
1 |
calculate first row number containing data |
wksStatsLastRow |
2 |
calculate last row number containing data |
wksStatsCount |
4 |
calculate number of numeric cells |
wksStatsMissing |
8 |
calculate number of non-numeric cells, including blank cells |
wksStatsSum |
16 |
calculate sum of all numeric cells in the column |
wksStatsMinimum |
32 |
calculate minimum value in the column |
wksStatsMaximum |
64 |
calculate maximum value in the column |
wksStatsRange |
128 |
calculate range of numeric cells (difference between the maximum and minimum) |
wksStatsMean |
256 |
calculate arithmetic average of data values |
wksStatsMedian |
512 |
calculate middle data value |
wksStatsFirstQuartile |
1024 |
calculate the first quartile value; 1/4 of the values are smaller than this number and 3/4 of the values are larger |
wksStatsThirdQuartile |
2048 |
calculate the third quartile value; 3/4 of the values are smaller than this number and 1/4 of the values are larger |
wksStatsStandardError |
4096 |
calculate standard deviation of the means |
wksStatsConfidenceInterval95 |
8192 |
calculate 95% confidence interval for the mean |
wksStatsConfidenceInterval99 |
16384 |
calculate 99% confidence interval for the mean |
wksStatsVariance |
32768 |
calculate variance |
wksStatsAverageDeviation |
65536 |
calculate average deviation |
wksStatsStandardDeviation |
131072 |
calculate standard deviation - square root of the variance |
wksStatsCoefficientOfVariation |
262144 |
calculate coefficient of variation |
wksStatsSkewness |
524288 |
calculate coefficient of skewness |
wksStatsKurtosis |
1048576 |
calculate coefficient of kurtosis |
wksStatsKSStatistic |
2097152 |
calculate Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit statistic |
wksStatsKSCriticalValue90 |
4194304 |
calculate critical value of K-S statistic at 90% significance interval |
wksStatsKSCriticalValue95 |
8388608 |
calculate critical value of K-S statistic at 95% significance interval |
wksStatsKSCriticalValue99 |
16777216 |
calculate critical value of K-S statistic at 99% significance interval |
wksStatsMode |
33554432 |
calculate the mode of the column |
wksStatsAll |
50331647 |
calculate all of the above statistics |