Save Grid As

The Save Grid As dialog allows you to specify a location and grid type to save a grid file.

Save Grid As Dialog

Use the File | Save As command in the grid node editor or one of the Grid menu commands in the plot document to open the Save Grid As dialog.

Specify the save location, file name, and file type in the Save Grid As dialog. This graphic may look different in another operating system.

Save In

The Save in field shows the current directory. Click the down arrow to see the directory structure and click on the folders to change directories.

Creating New Folders and Changing the View

The buttons to the right of the Look in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of the file list.

File List

The file list displays files in the current directory. The current directory is listed in the Save in field. The Save as type field controls the display of the file list.

Specify a File Name

The File name field shows the name of the selected file, or type a path and file name into the box to open a file.

Save As Type

The Save as type field controls the display of the file list.

The GRD Surfer 6 Binary Grid (*.grd) format type is selected by default. This displays all the common file formats in the navigation pane. If a different format type is selected, Surfer will remember the setting until the end of the current session. When Surfer is restarted, the default format type will be used.

To see all files in the directory, choose All Files (*.*) from the Save as type list. Double-click on a file to open it or single click the file and then click the Open button. The All Files shows all of the file formats even if the file type is not appropriate for the action chosen (i.e. displaying a data file when creating a grid based map that requires a grid file).

In the Save As Grid dialog, select a grid file format from the Save as types list. The following file formats are supported:

Some Save As Grid dialog Save as type lists may differ slightly, depending on the command that invoked the dialog.

See Also

Grid Convert