Getting User Input

The Scripter language provides several predefined functions for prompting the script user for information. The GetFilePath function displays a standard Windows file open dialog. This allows the script user to select a file. The name of the selected file is returned by the function. The InputBox function allows the user to enter an arbitrary line of text. This function returns the line of text entered.

UserText$ = InputBox(Enter something here:) 'show prompt

Debug.Print UserText$ 'show line in Immediate window

This is a simple example of the InputBox function. The text entered in the box is returned to the script.

In addition to these simple input routines, Scripter supports user-defined dialogs. You can design your own dialogs and process their input in any manner you choose.

See Also

Creating Dialogs with Scripter

UserDialog Example

Introducing Scripter

Object Hierarchy

Overview of Surfer Objects