Modifying Axes
Axis settings may be changed using the Axis object. You access Axis objects through the Axes collection object, which in turn is accessed through a MapFrame object. The following example does not use subroutines, but you could write the script with subroutines instead.
Sub Main
' Start Surfer and create a blank plot document
Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")
SurferApp.Visible = True
Set plot = SurferApp.Documents.Add(srfDocPlot)
' Create a contour map
gridfile$ = SurferApp.Path + \samples\demogrid.grd
Set mapframe = plot.Shapes.AddContourMap(gridfile$)
' Turn off screen redrawing to speed up this procedure
old_update_setting =
mapframe.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Adjust the left and bottom axes
For Each axis In mapframe.Axes
If axis.AxisType = SurferAppATLeft Or
With axis
.MajorTickType = SurferAppTickCross
.MinorTickType = SurferAppTickIn
.MinorTickLength = 0.1
.MinorTicksPerMajor = 9
.ShowMajorGridLines = True
.AxisLine.Width= 0.03
End With
End If
' Restore the previous screen setting
mapframe.Application.ScreenUpdating =
End Sub