SymbologyLegend Script

This script demonstrates all the properties in the SymbologyLegend object.

Dim Surfer As Object

Set Surfer = GetObject(,"Surfer.Application")

Surfer.Visible = True


'Create a doc that has a few maps and layer types

Set doc = Surfer.Documents.Add

Set map1 = doc.Shapes.AddBaseMap(Surfer.Path+"\samples\demorect.bln")


Set baseLayer = doc.Shapes.AddDataBaseLayer(map1, Surfer.Path+"\samples\demogrid.dat")


baseLayer.Name = "Symbology Layer"


Set postLayer = doc.Shapes.AddPostLayer(map1, Surfer.Path+"\samples\demogrid.dat")

postLayer.Name = "Post Layer"


Set map2 = doc.Shapes.AddClassedPostMap(Surfer.Path+"\samples\demogrid.dat")

map2.Overlays(1).Name = "Classed Post Layer"

map2.Left = map1.Left + map1.Width 'space it apart

Set vecLayer = doc.Shapes.AddVectorLayer(map2, Surfer.Path+"\samples\demogrid.grd")

vecLayer.Name = "Vector Grid Layer"


'Add a legend to show all layers in the current doc

Set Legend = doc.AddLegend


'Print the name of all the layers in this legend

For i=1 To Legend.LegendLayers.Count

Debug.Print Legend.LegendLayers.Item(i).LayerName



'Change the font and format for all layer legends (TopLegend properties)

Legend.SampleFont.Color = srfColorBlue

Legend.SampleFormat.Type = srfLabFixed

Legend.SampleFormat.NumDigits = 1


'Change some individual properties of symbology layers (SymbologyLegend properties)

Set symLeg = Legend.LegendLayers.Item("Symbology Layer")

symLeg.Template = "fill: \fill symbol: \symbol"

symLeg.SampleFillSize = .3

symLeg.SampleSpacing = .1