SymbologyClassedColorBins Collection

The SymbologyClassedColorBins collection contains the individual classed color bins in the symbology.

The following table provides the properties of the SymbologyClassedColorBins collection:




Returns the application object. Its a read-only property.


Returns the number of bins in the collection. It is a read-only property.


Returns the specified SymbologyClassedColorBin object.


Returns the parent object. It is a read-only property.


SymbologyClassedColorBins sets the classed colors of symbols.

Example 1

This example shows how to create classed colors.

Sub Main


Dim SurferApp As Object

Set SurferApp = GetObject(, "Surfer.Application")

SurferApp.Visible = True


Dim Doc As Object

Set Doc = SurferApp.Documents.Add


Set Map1 = Doc.Shapes.AddVectorBaseMap(SurferApp.Path+"\samples\FL2018.shp")

Set CColorsLayer = Map1.Overlays(1)


CColorsLayer.Name = "Classed Colors"

CColorsLayer.ApplySymbologyClassedColors(AttributeField:="F_65-69yrs", _

ShowMissingValues:=False, _

ClassMethod:=srfSymNaturalBreaks, _

Count:=7, _

ShowAllOthers:=True, _





Set ColorClasses = CColorsLayer.SymbologyClassedColorsBins

ColorClasses.Item(3).ColorRGBA.Color = srfColorBlue

ColorClasses.Item(3).UpperValue = 18500


Map1.Top = 10

Map1.Axes(1).Title = "Classed Colors"


End Sub

Example 2

This example shows how to add a legend with classed color symbology.


Sub Main


Dim SurferApp As Object

Set SurferApp = GetObject(, "Surfer.Application")

SurferApp.Visible = True


Dim Doc As Object

Set Doc = SurferApp.Documents.Add


Set Legend1 = Doc.AddLegend

Legend1.FrameFill.Pattern = "None"

Legend1.ShowLayerName = False

Legend1.SampleFormat.Thousands = False

Legend1.Name = "Classed Colors Legend"


Set CColorsLegendLayer = Legend1.LegendLayers.Item(1)

CColorsLegendLayer.SampleFillSize = 0.2

CColorsLegendLayer.SampleSpacing = 0.2


End Sub