Insufficient data in worksheet (Need at least ...)

This is a general purpose message that is displayed whenever there is insufficient data in the worksheet to complete a particular operation. The required dimension (rows or columns) and size is specified in the error message.

If you have the appropriate amount of data, check to make sure that the numbers are formatted as numbers, not text. Numbers formatted as text are left-aligned in the worksheet. Removing symbols (e.g. ' % $) or letters (N, S,

If you do not have letters or symbols other than the apostrophe ' in the columns, or if there is no text with spaces in your data file, you can remove text formatting by:

  1. Highlight all of the cells that contain numbers that are formatted as text. To change all of the columns at the same time, click the Select Entire Worksheet button in the upper left corner of the worksheet.

  2. Click the Data | Data | Text to Number command.

  3. All of the numbers in the highlighted section will be right-aligned and formatted as numbers.