NetCDF Import Options Dialog

Surfer imports NetCDF .NC and .GRD lattice files. These files are uniform grids.

Select the netCDF variable to import and set the Time record.


A NetCDF file may contain multiple variables. In the Select netCDF variables to import section, click on the desired variable to import. Only one variable may be imported at a time, and only the selected variable will be imported.


The Records button is available if the selected variable is a record variable. If the variable is not a record variable, the Records button is unavailable.


The Time option lets the user select which record to load. The coordinate value for the unlimited dimension at that record index is shown in the text control on the left. Note that if a variable has an unlimited dimension other than the first dimension, it will not be considered importable by the filter.

The filter treats record variables specially. Record variables have one or more unlimited dimensions. The n-th record contains all the variable data for the n-th dimension index.

See Also

Import Options String

NC NetCDF File Description

NetCDF Grid Import Automation Options