Google Key Markup .KML and .KMZ Import Automation Options

Since the Import Options dialog is not displayed when the program is driven from an automation script, an options string can be specified in the script. The string consists of comma-separated parameters, which specify the behavior of the various export options. A typical example would be:

"Defaults = 1, LabelPointsMode=3"

This would first set all import options to their default values, then imports point placemarks with label style as marker and text symbols.






0 = Not imported

1 = Import as marker symbols

2 = Import as text (if placemark is named)

3 = Import as marker and text (if named)


Specifies how unstyled point placemarks are imported. Placemarks must be named to import as text with values 2 and 3.


0 = Not imported

1 = Import as marker symbols

2 = Import as text

3 = Import as marker and text


Specifies how placemarks with label style are imported. Placemarks must be named to import as text with values 2 and 3.


0 = Not imported

1 = Import as marker symbols

2 = Import as text

3 = Import as marker and text

4 = Import as icon images (if available)


Specifies how placemarks with icon style are imported. Placemarks must be named to import as text with values 2 and 3.


0 = False

1 = True


Specifies whether placemarks are imported even when marked invisible. 1 to import all placemarks. 0 to import only visible placemarks.

See Also

Import Options String

KML KMZ Google Earth Keyhole Markup File Description

KML Google Earth Import Options Dialog