XYZ Points Export Options Dialog

Surfer can export plot documents as CSV or DAT XYZ points files.

XYZ Options Dialog

The XYZ Options page of the Export Options dialog contains the XYZ points export specific options.

Specify export options for the DAT or CSV XYZ points file in the XYZ Options dialog.

Z Column

By default the third column in the exported file contains the Z coordinate information for the points. When an object does not have Z coordinate information, the Z column value is 0. When the Write Z (elevation) column check box in unchecked the DAT or CSV file only includes X and Y coordinates and attribute values. The Write Z (elevation) column can be unchecked when no objects have elevation data or when the elevation data is undesired in the output file. Click the check box to check or uncheck the Write Z (elevation) column option.


Click the Defaults button to restore the default XYZ export options, where Write Z (elevation) column is checked.

See Also

Export Options Scaling Page

Export Options Spatial References Page

XYZ Points [.CSV, .DAT] File Description

ASCII DAT, TXT, and CSV Data Files

XYZ Points Export Automation Options
