Creating and Printing a Contour Map

This example automates the process of creating a contour map to visualize changes in groundwater levels. The script prompts the user for a data file, creates a grid from the file, creates a contour map, prints the map, and saves the map in a Surfer file [.SRF].


Sub Main

'Declare object and string variables used in the script

Dim SurferApp, Plot, ContourMapFrame,ContourLayerAs Object

Dim InFile, GridFile,


'Create the Surfer Application object and assign it to the "SurferApp" variable

Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application")

SurferApp.Visible = True 'Make Surfer visible


'Prompt the user for the name of the data file to process.

InFile = GetFilePath("","DAT;TXT;CSV;XLS",CurDir(), Select data file, 0)

If InFile = "" Then End 'Can't continue: no file was selected


'Get file name without the extension (for example, "week5.txt" becomes "week5")

BaseName = InFile

ExtStart = InStrRev(InFile,.)

If ExtStart 1 Then


'Create a grid from the specified data file using the Kriging algorithm

GridFile = BaseName + .

SurferApp.GridData DataFile:=InFile, Algorithm:=srfKriging, _

DupMethod:=srfDupNone, ShowReport:=False, OutGrid:=GridFile


'Create a plot document in Surfer and assign it to the variable named "Plot"

Set Plot = SurferApp.Documents.Add(srfDocPlot)


'Create a contour map. Assign the map frame to the "ContourMapFrame variable

Set ContourMapFrame =


'Assign the contour map properties to the variable named "ContourLayer"

Set ContourLayer = ContourMapFrame.Overlays(1)


ContourLayer.FillContours = True 'Fill the contour map levels

Plot.PrintOut 'Print the page on the default printer

Plot.SaveAs(BaseName + ".srf") 'Save the map


End Sub

See Also

Automation Examples