Latitude and Longitude in Decimal Degrees
Latitude and Longitude coordinates are often presented in degrees, minutes, and second, such as 39°25'30" (39 degrees, 25 minutes, 30 seconds). However, Surfer can only plot values in decimal degrees. So, for example, 39°25'30" is referred to as 39.425 in Surfer.
Converting from degrees, minutes, and seconds is easy. There are 60 minutes in one degree and 3600 seconds in one degree. To convert minutes and seconds to decimal degrees, divide minutes by 60, divide seconds by 3600, and then add the results to obtain the decimal equivalent.
Convert columns of DMS values with the DMS to DD command.
Conversion Equation:
Decimal Degrees = Degrees + (Minutes / 60) + (Seconds / 3600)
Consider the latitude value 39°25'30". This value needs to be converted to decimal degree in order to use it in Surfer.
To convert 39°25'30" to decimal degrees:
First, convert minutes (25') and seconds (30") to their degree equivalents and add the results.
25'/60 = 0.4167
30"/3600 = 0.0083
0.4167 + 0.0083 = 0.425
Then, add this number to the number of degrees.
39 + 0.425 = 39.425
The final result is the decimal degree value.
39°25'30" = 39.425°
See Also
Introduction to Map Projections
Latitude and Longitude Coordinates
Using Scaling to Minimize Distortion on Latitude/Longitude Maps