Fill Property Syntax

In Default Settings, fill properties are specified using the syntax:

"version "fgColor" "bgColor" "Pattern" offset scale angle coverage"




Defines the version of the fill property. Must be 1.


The RGBA color value for the foreground color. See Colors for details.


The background color name. See Colors for details.


The fill pattern name as it appears in the dialog fill pattern palette. The name must be enclosed in double quotes.


The offset value has an X and Y component. The offset controls the location of the image pattern within the geometry.


The scale value has an X and Y component. The scale controls the density of the image pattern.


The angle value determines the rotation of the pattern. This should always be 0.


The coverage value determines whether an image is stretched or tiled. 0 = tiled, 1 = stretched.

Note that all items are enclosed in quote marks.


This example shows a fill property with the following options:

version = 1

fgColor = "R0 G0 B255 A99" indicating a slightly transparent blue

bgColor = "R0 G0 B255 A255" indicating a slightly transparent red

Pattern = "Gneiss 1", an image of a cut gneiss

Offset = 1 and 10, indicating 1 in the X direction and 10 in the Y direction

Scale = 0.9 and 0.8, indicating 0.9 in the X direction and 0.8 in the Y direction

Angle = 0

Coverage = 1, indicating that the pattern is to be stretched.

"1 "R0 G0 B255 A99" "R255 G0 B0 A38" "Gneiss 1" 1 10 0.9 0.8 0 1"

See Also

Color List

Default Settings

Formats for Attribute Values

Font Property Syntax

Line Property Syntax

Symbol Property Syntax

Numeric Label Property Syntax

Using Custom Setting Files