Numeric Label Property Syntax

In Default Settings, numeric label properties are specified using the syntax:

Version Type Digits Style DateFormat TimeFormat "Prefix" "Suffix"




Version is the version of the label format. This should be set to 5.


Type is the numeric format. This is entered as a number, and is not enclosed in double quotes.

0 = Fixed

1 = Exponential

2 = Compact

4 = Date/Time


Digits refers to the number of decimal digits after the decimal place in the label. This value can range from 0 to 15. This is entered as a number, and is not enclosed in double quotes.


Label style is entered as a number, and is not enclosed in double quotes.

0 = None (no styles)

1 = Thousands (separate thousands with a comma)

2 = Absolute Value (show numbers as absolute values)

3 = Thousands and Absolute Value (use thousands and absolute values)


The date format is entered as a number and is not enclosed in double quotes. The number values are listed on the wksDateFmtType Values page. Select the desired format and use the Value from this page in the label property syntax. For example, a value of 2 would set the format to DATEFMT_M_D_YY, which would display the format as 9/7/98.


The time format is entered as a number and is not enclosed in double quotes. The number values are listed on the wksTimeFmtType Values page. Select the desired format and use the Value from this page in the label property syntax. For example, a value of 2 would set the format to TIMEFMT_H_MM_AMPM, which would display the format as 1:03 PM.


The Prefix text is text that appears at the beginning of every label. This must be enclosed in double quotes.


The Suffix text is text that appears at the end of every label. This must be enclosed in double quotes.


0 8 0 "Pre" "Post"

See Also

Color List

Default Settings

Formats for Attribute Values

Fill Property Syntax

Font Property Syntax

Line Property Syntax

Symbol Property Syntax

Using Custom Setting Files