XYZ Points [.CSV, .DAT, .TXT, .XYZ] File Description

Surfer plots can be exported to a .DAT or .CSV data file that includes XYZ coordinates and attribute values. The first three columns are the X, Y, and Z coordinates followed by columns for each attribute. Exporting a CSV file will include column headers as the first line of the CSV file. The Z coordinate column can be left out of the DAT or CSV file in the XYZ Options dialog. Specify the Scaling source in the Scaling page of the Export Options dialog to export the coordinates in page or map units. The XYZ Points format is a vector format. Only vector objects will be written to the XYZ points data file.

See Also


Export Options - Scaling Page

Export Options - Spatial References

File Format Chart

XYZ Points File Export Automation Options

XYZ Points File Export Options Dialog