New Projected Coordinates - Worksheet
The Data | Coordinate System | New Projected Coordinates command specifies a Source Coordinate System and projects the X and Y coordinate data to a new Target Coordinate System. The input Source Columns and output Target Columns allow you to either overwrite the original coordinate columns, or write the new coordinates to new columns in the worksheet. For example, this command can be useful if you have coordinate data in latitude and longitude and need to project the coordinates to UTM.
New Projected Coordinates Dialog
The Data | Coordinate System | New Projected Coordinates command or the button in the worksheet opens the New Projected Coordinates dialog.
Change coordinates in the New Projected Coordinates dialog. |
Source Columns
Specify the columns containing the X and Y coordinates in the Source Columns X and Y. Click the arrow to see a list of the data columns in your worksheet. The Source Columns contain the X and Y values in the existing coordinate system.
Source Coordinate System
Assign the Source Coordinate System by clicking the button to open the Assign Coordinate System dialog. The Source Coordinate System is the system that your X, Y coordinate data are currently using.
Target Columns
Specify the X and Y destination columns in the Target Columns X and Y. The projected output coordinates will be located in the target columns specified. Click the arrow to see a list of the data columns in your worksheet.
Target Coordinate System
Assign the Target Coordinate System by clicking the button to open the Assign Coordinate System dialog. The Target Coordinate System is the new coordinate system that you want to use to project your X, Y coordinate data.
OK and Cancel
Click OK to write the new projected X and Y coordinates to the Target Columns. Click Cancel to close the New Projected Coordinates dialog without making any changes to the worksheet.