Creating a Filled Contour Map Containing NoData Areas

When a filled contour map contains regions with NoData values, the NoData area has a default color assigned to it. You can select the fill for the NoData areas as well as the line surrounding the NoData areas on the General page in the contour map properties. NoData areas are typically created with the Grids | Edit | Assign NoData command. NoData areas can also be created due to insufficient data during the gridding process.

To assign fill and line properties to NoData areas:

  1. Click on the contour map to select it.

  2. In the Properties window, click on the Levels tab.

  3. Check the box next to Fill contours.

  4. Click on the General tab.

  5. In the NoData Regions section, click the next to Fill Properties. Choose the Pattern, Foreground Color, Foreground Opacity, Background Color, and Background Opacity for the NoData areas. Use the Load From if you want the Pattern to use an image on your computer.

  6. Click the next to Line Properties. Choose the line Style, Color, Opacity, and Width for the line surrounding NoData areas.

The contour map automatically updates to show the NoData area properties.

See Also

Adding Color Fill between Contours

Assigning Color Fill Based on a Fill Spectrum

Assigning Color Fill to Specific Contour Levels

Displaying a Filled Contour Map without Contour Lines

Setting Fill Properties on a Frequency Basis