Options - User Interface
Set the user interface environment on the User Interface page in the Options dialog.
The Options Dialog
Click the File | Options command or the button to open the Options dialog. Click on the User Interface option on the left side of the dialog to open the User Interface page.
Customize the User Interface options in the Options dialog. |
Recent Files
The Recent files option controls the number of recently used files listed near the bottom of the File menu. The default value is 10. This option can be set to a value between 0 and 16.
Map Coordinate Format
Set the format for the map coordinates section of the status bar in the Map coordinate format section. The status bar displays the cursor location coordinates of the tracked map or layer. Select which map or layer is tracked in the Options dialog General page. Click the to the left of Map coordinate format to expand the format options. The Linear coordinates section controls the coordinate format when displaying linear units in the status bar, i.e. when tracking the cursor location on a projected or unreferenced map/layer. The Spherical coordinates (degrees) section controls the coordinate format when displaying spherical units in the status bar, i.e. when tracking the cursor location on an unprojected latitude/longitude map or layer. The format options for both the Linear coordinates and Spherical coordinates (degrees) are the standard label format properties. Using DMS (Lat/long) is NOT recommended for the Linear coordinates selection.
Show Splash Screen at Startup
Check the box next to Show splash screen at startup to allow Surfer to display the Surfer splash screen and copyright notice while the program is loading. Uncheck this box to disable the splash screen display.
Show Welcome Screen at Startup
Check the box next to Show welcome screen at startup to show the Welcome to Surfer dialog when Surfer starts. Uncheck this box to disable the Welcome to Surfer dialog.
Show Page Rectangle
Check the box next to the Show page rectangle option to turn on the display of the paper representation in the plot window. Uncheck this box to turn off the display of the paper representation. The page size is set by clicking the File | Page Setup command.
Show Margins
Check the box next to the Show margins option to turn on the display of the page margin in the plot window. Uncheck this box to turn off the display of the page margin. Margins are set by clicking the File | Page Setup command.
Show Property Information Area
Check the box next to the Show property info area option to display a short help statement for each selected command in the Properties window. Uncheck this box to turn off the help area in the Properties window.
Always Show Drop Arrows in Properties Window
Check the box next to Always show drop arrows in Properties window to display drop arrows for all combo-box properties in the Properties window. When this option is active, fields containing lists can be easily differentiated from fields containing text or value input boxes. When the Always show drop arrows in Properties window option is unchecked the drop arrow is only visible when the property is selected. Turn this option off when the Properties window is narrow, and more of the properties' text will be shown.
Expand New Contents Window Items
Check the box next to the Expand new Contents window items option to force the Contents window to expand all new object hierarchies in the tree control. If this option is turned off, the objects contain a button. Click the
to manually expand additional levels.
Paste in User-picked Position
Check the box next to Paste in user-picked position to manually position objects with the cursor when using the Paste command. When the Paste in user-picked position check box is checked, a shaded bounding box is displayed around the cursor after Paste is used. Click in the desired location to paste the object or objects.
Clear the Paste in user-picked position check box to automatically paste objects in the center of the plot window. This is the default behavior.
User Interface Style
Specify the interface style in the User interface style list. Available options are Windows XP, Office XP, Office 2000, Office 2003, Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, Visual Studio 2010, Office 2010 Black, Office 2010 Blue , and Office 2010 Silver. The worksheet window colors are dark when Office 2010 Black is selected, blue when Office 2010 Blue is selected, and silver when any other User interface style is selected. The default style is Visual Studio 2008.
MDI Tab Style
Specify the tabbed document view style in the MDI tab style list. The options are None, 3D, One Note, and Visual Studio 2005. The plot window, worksheet window, and grid node editor window have a tab appearance when multiple windows are open when the MDI tab style is set to any option other than None. The default style is Visual Studio 2005.
Notifications for Creating a Grid File
There are three notification options you can choose from in the When grid is completed list: Do Nothing, Play a Sound, or Display a Message Box. This action is performed after most gridding operations to inform you that the operation has completed.
Decimal Separator
The Decimal separator controls which character is used to separate the whole number portion from the decimal portion in a number. To change the Decimal separator, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options are: System default, Period, and Comma. The default is to use the System default. System default defers treatment of decimal separators to Windows. The Period option displays a period (.) to separate the numbers before and after the decimal. The Comma option display a decimal comma (,) to separate the numbers before and after the decimal. When this option is changed, all maps that are opened will display the selected character for the decimal separator.
When using System default, the setting is controlled by Windows. To set the Windows local, in the Windows Control Panel, under Region and Language, set the Format. In locale's where the period is the separator, it will be used in Surfer. In locale's where the comma is the separator, it will be used in Surfer. All .SRF files will use the format specified by Windows. This means that older .SRF files may appear differently depending on the format. Some changes may be in axis labels.
The Decimal separator setting is mainly used to import data files from different locales correctly in your instance of Surfer. For example, a CSV file uses the period (.) for the decimal separator and a comma (,) for the data delimiter in the English locale. However a CSV file uses the comma (,) for the decimal separator and a semicolon (;) for the data delimiter in the German locale. You can correctly import data files from other locales by updating your Decimal separator setting. This means it is not necessary to update your Windows locale to import and open data files from other locales.