Features Tab Commands
The Features tab in the plot document has the following commands:
Imports an image file |
Creates a text block |
Creates a point |
Create a polyline |
Creates a polygon |
Creates a spline polyline |
Creates a range ring |
Creates an ellipse or circle |
Creates a rectangle or square |
Creates a rectangle with rounded corners |
Combine objects into a group |
Split grouped objects |
Change To |
Convert selected objects to other object types: Points to Polyline, Points to 3D Polyline, Polyline to Polygon, Polyline to Points, Polyline to 3D Polyline Polygon to Polyline, Polygon to 3D Polygon |
Moves, adds, or deletes points in the selected polyline, polygon, or spline polyline |
Simplify polylines and polygons by removing additional points |
Smooth polylines and polygons by adding additional points |
Adjust the anchor point for an object in a base layer |
Crop an image or raster base layer |
Connect two or more polylines |
Break a polyline at a specific point |
Break polylines at intersections with polylines and polygons |
Creates a polygon boundary around a set of three or more selected data points |
Create a new polygon by combining polygons |
Create a new polygon from intersecting regions of selected polygons |
Create new polygons from the difference between selected polygons |
Creates a polygon at a specified distance around or within selected objects |
Creates points at intersections of two or more polyline or polygon objects |
Creates a Delaunay triangulation |
Creates Thiessen (Voroni) polygons |
Split complex polygons into multiple single ring polygons |
Combine multiple polygons into a single complex polygon |